Site Launch
Posted: 1/11/2025 | Tags: site
WOW !!! Welcome to BlueSunsZenith dot com !!! I'm so excited to have you here. Any questions before we get started?
What is this? This is a website that I made. I'm gonna write a lot of blog posts about the things I like here.
Who are you? Person of named "em", pronounced "she/they"
Why is your website called that? It's the name of a card I really like from Magic: the Gathering.
In Magic, blue is the color of knowledge, and drawing cards is flavored as the acquisition of knowledge, since Magic refers to players' decks as "libraries." Blue Sun's Zenith is a blue card that can let you draw a LOT of cards. Which is normally a good thing, but if you run out of cards you lose, so you can use BSZ to make an opponent draw lots of cards instead, potentially making them lose. And that's pretty cool.
I can't promise that you'll gain a notable or fatal amount of knowledge from reading my posts. But the implication that it's possible makes me feel really special and happy. Plus, instead of designing a header image, I just get to use a picture of the card instead, which is easier and cooler.
Why is the card called that? The card is from a set that captures the peak of a worldwide conflict on the plane of Mirrodin. One feature of this world is that it has five suns, one for each color of mana. Blue Sun's Zenith depicts a blue-aligned faction of Mirrodin rallying under the titular sun, acknowledging that they must set aside their pursuits of knowledge until the war is won.
Why did you make this? Something about two birds and a stone, where one bird is the burnout encurred from my computer science degree that has left me allergic to programming, the other bird is a lack of spaces in which I'm brave enough to talk about my niche interests at length, and the stone is, I guess, pulling my hair out over CSS and giving myself writing homework? Check back with me in 100 blog posts and I might have a more interesting answer.
How often will you post? There will be one normal blog post going live at the same time as this one, because it turns out the backend I wrote for the blog functionality breaks if there's only one blog post. Nice! In the future, I will post again after some time has passed and it feels right to write again. (I cannot give you a schedule or I will die.)
What are you going to post about? Music and video games, mostly. I want to write music reviews, or at least, publicly digest the albums I hyperfixate on and hope the spectacle is enough to entertain the person reading this (that's you!). I make my own music too, so I'm sure I'll share that at some point whenever I manifest something that is shareable with the world.
I would like to "review" video games as well; I historically don't play very many new video games year-to-year, but I'm in a position now where I'm able to buy more games for myself, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get through my backlog of things I want to play.
I'm sure my other interests, related or unrelated, will pop up from time to time, too. Ironically my interest in MTG is at an all-time low right now, so I don't except to write much about it, aside from maybe the odd deck tech, cube list, or anti-WOTC/Hasbro manifesto.
What type of music? My music taste is mildly broad, at least in terms of genre, but it tends to be specific, and I generally fixate on a few specific artists at a time. Most everything I listen to is some modified version of rock, and I tend to like the kinds of rock music that musicians and online people enjoy, so my genre word-cloud consists of terms like "progressive," "math," and "art." I also occasionally enjoy electronic music (especially when it is of queer make), but I'm even less knowledgeable about those scenes than I am my "home turf".
What kind of games? I only own Nintendo consoles and a humble laptop, so it's indie games for me, baby!!!! I don't think I've even played enough video games to pick a useful "favorite genre", so it's probably most efficient to just say that my personality was irrevocably changed by the release of Undertale, I have a 99.9% winrate on the Pokemon cry guessing game for Hoenn, and I own a Gamecube controller. I'm only just now beginning to emerge from the ~Competitive Smash Player~ era of my life, during which the only games I probably played in a given year were Super Smash Bros Ultimate, the annual Pokemon release, and at most 1 other game. So I'm making up for lost time.
What do you like to do in MTG? Most of my favorite commander decks are either ones that force the table to stop playing Magic: the Gathering, or involve me not playing Magic: the Gathering for an extended period of time until suddenly I win. I find something to love in every color and color combination, although I tend to prefer blue, and despise five-color. I love to watch and think about Vintage Cube.
Who do you play in Smash? At heart, I'm a Ridley main. In my soul, I'm a Lucario main. In my mind, I'm a Robin main. In reality,
What's your star sign? Red octagon
Are you always like this? No... My writing voice, typing quirks, and general eccentricities fluxuate and might be different every post. Sorry! Communicating would be much simpler if I had access to my Discord emotes on here.
Why does your About page say there are secrets? Because you must make a choice. (I'm still building stuff.)
What's wrong with your website? I'm just teaching myself CSS and JS now. Jeez!!!!!! What, you expected my hobbyist blog to be useable???
Do you like boys or girls? I like when people comment on my website : ) and my posts
What should I comment? You can tell me if something I wrote made you feel something, or if it made you think about something, especially if it's a cool something, or a something novel. You should comment that because then I'll feel that somethink, too.
Ok, I'm ready to begin. And yet you were already had begun from the start.
Thanks for stopping by!